Ladies Only Kickboxing

Age 14 and Up

Enrol Online Timetable

As you set goals and achieve them… As you work hard and reap the rewards… Your confidence will soar. Your self-esteem will soar. Your enjoyment of life will soar. Seeing that transformation is our favorite thing about our Kickboxing program in Peterborough, Stamford, Market Deeping, Bourne, Milton Keynes, Huntingdonshire, Wisbech.

  Upstairs Studio 1, Broad Street Downstairs Studio 2, Broad Street
Monday - -
Tuesday 7:00 - 8:00 pm (Inspired Martial Arts) -
Wednesday - -
Thursday - -
Friday - -
Saturday - -
Sunday - -
1. Beginners Welcome
2. Intermediate Level
3. Live Pianist, £4 surcharge per term
4. Potential swap of studio every week
5. Can go into Studio 1 at 6:40pm